The increasing demand to satisfy Service Level Agreement (SLA) obligations and optimize field service costs, such as First Time Fix (FTF), is an ongoing challenge for field service management. This is further amplified by the growing knowledge gap between new and retiring technicians, which is expected to hit peak levels in the next 10 years. ForeFront recognizes that efficiency in the field starts with optimizing your dispatch with the Best Tech on Call. Enter ForeFront’s latest technology partner: Help Lightning and their merged reality technology.

“Support will be forever transformed with the ease to deliver virtual expertise to the field,” stated Michel Berger, President of ForeFront. “Help Lightning’s innovative mobile merged reality video capabilities will improve any field service organization’s KPI metrics.”

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Mobile merged reality is the technology which overlays two real time video streams creating a single viewpoint for both parties. This type of video interaction enables real-time knowledge transfer which achieves improved metrics such as First Time Fix (FTF), Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) and Net Promoter Score (NPS). With functionality such as interlaced hand movement, gestures, visual clues, real remote objects, telestration, drawing, pointing, and pictures, field service technicians can receive the same level of support and skill as if the expert were on site, even if the expert is thousands of miles away. Research indicates that nonverbal cues are 430% more effective than verbal cues and that nonverbal cues make verbal/nonverbal communication combination up to 10 times more effective.*

“Support will be forever transformed with the ease to deliver virtual expertise to the field,” stated Michel Berger, President of ForeFront. “Help Lightning’s innovative mobile merged reality video capabilities will improve any field service organization’s KPI metrics.” In addition to the immediate improvement of field performance, merged reality introduces the ability to decrease technician on-boarding time and has the long term impact of creating new job roles for technicians approaching retirement.

Research indicates that nonverbal cues are 430% more effective than verbal cues and that nonverbal cues make verbal/nonverbal communication combination up to 10 times more effective.*

In an industry where SLA time is critical in minimizing customer churn and NPS is a defining factor in the success of field service organizations worldwide, ForeFront offers solutions that allow the best technicians on call to efficiently respond regardless of geographical location. “With over 15,000 users in 50 countries, our merged reality expertise and market leadership are proven,” explained Drew Deaton, President of Help Lightning. “ForeFront understands today’s field service challenges and is uniquely qualified to deliver KPI insights to boost service revenue and profitability.”

ForeFront is bundling its field service best practices, systems integration knowledge, and Help Lightning merged reality technology as part of its cloud-based portfolio of ForeFront Service Accelerators (FSA). The new FSA offering is a client engagement add-on differentiator to ServiceMax, Salesforce Service Cloud, and SAP Cloud.

* British Journal of Clinical Psychology

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